Saturday, March 29, 2008

Asteroids arcade cabinet

Okay, here's a big one. This is a project I had been working on for about half a year back in 2006.
At about this time my videogame collection was starting to get kind of out-of-hand, I had about twenty something consoles at the time (now I'm up to 35 or so I think), and I had no place to store all my games and boxes and stuff.

The thought crossed my mind to create an arcade cabinet that could store my television and have storage space for all my games and boxes etc.
Initially my plan was to make a Donkey Kong or a centipede cabinet because I liked the sideart on those cabs, in the end I ended up deciding on Asteroids, I don't know why, I think I just liked the shape of that cabinet more.

Anyway, here is the final result (actually it's not finished, I've been meaning to buy some glass doors to put on the bottom front there.):

And here are the progress shots (I kind of wish I had taken more photos as I went, its pretty interesting to look back and see how you made stuff step by step):

Here is before it was painted, I wish I had taken more photos of how I actually built it.
Below is the shelf thing I made for inside the cabinet, it stores 64 carts, NES carts, megadrive carts, master system carts, CD cases , nes boxes, megadrive boxes, 2600 boxes, and DVD cases.
It also swings out to reveal a cavity behind it for storing spare controllers and consoles and console boxes.

Here is the progress painting it:

Here is how the shelf thing works, and you can see all the console boxes stacked tetris-style behind it:

I've made sure to take a lot more photos on the progress for the current project I'm working on, so stay tuned, I'll probably do post on it as I go and how I've solve some of the problems the arise.



  1. get over yourself! it's all shitehouse!

  2. Hiya! That is an amazing table! I`m in complete awe!
    I was thinking of doing something similar in awesomeness as a gift, but im not as creative (plus, i dont want to steal your idea)
    Any suggestions?

  3. I agree....GAY!

  4. Nah...I want to have your babies.

  5. instead of using a plane to do the curved edges, you should consider using a wood router. you will be able to make two of everything you're making in the time it takes one.

  6. You sir, have an awesome gift. You love Nintendo so much you're fusing it with the furniture in your house. This could be nothing short of amazing man. I absolutley love it.

    You could seriously do these things for a living, not to mention you say you haven't really had much teaching in woodwork and such, but what you put together is absolutely fantastic.

    My hat is off to you man. Don't let jealous people put you down.

  7. I gotta give you props for all your work. I saw the video for your NES Controller table a couple weeks ago, may have to borrow that idea if the wife lets me.

    Great work on the arcade too. I built one myself about a year ago, but didn't go into the detailed work with the visual design. Wood laminate ftw.

  8. Your two projects posted rock.
    I might have to try to make the nintendo controller sometime because your's rocks so hardcore.

  9. you, sir, kick some serious ass.
